Building a Personal Style – a Step By Step Guide


Building a Personal Style – A Step By Step Guide

How to Style Plaids

While the personal style might sound like something that is only limited to fashion, the term transcends even beyond that. Personal style is, in fact, something that belongs to you solely. No wonder it is called “personal style” because it belongs to you and reflects the core aspects of your innermost personality. You can become more savvy and sustainable if you have built a strong personal style. But doing that is easier said than done. In order to master it, you must recognize it first and pave a path for yourself. You have to seek inspiration and experiment a lot in order to become successful in your endeavor. Here in this guide, we have talked about all the steps at length that you must undertake in order to become a pro at mastering your personalized style. Read on to know more and get started.

Lambskin Suede Leather

Lambskin Suede Leather  Suede leather made from lambskin is the softest and lustrous type of suede leather. It is widely used for making hand gloves and lightweight leather jackets.

Faux Suede Leather

Faux Suede Leather  As the name suggests, Faux Suede Leather is the synthetic, less expensive version of the otherwise costly and intricate authentic suede leather. Created from microfiber polyester fabric, faux suede items are more reliable than those made from original suede but superior in quality and class but delicate and less durable.

1. Analyze your Fashion Taste

However, you must be aware about your fashion taste, the awareness is often subconscious, and you must analyze it in order to get more familiar with it. Awareness is the key, to everything. Being aware about your fashion taste and where it leans more will help you figure out things and build a wardrobe based on your fashion taste. When you have a great knowledge of your personal taste, you will be more mindful as well and try out the things that resonate with your taste – that way, you will make greater use of everything that you would be adding to your closet and things would hardly ever go to the waste. It would help you familiarise yourself with your fashion taste deeper, and you can become masterfully aware even of the most intricate details.

2. Analyze your Existing Wardrobe

The types of clothes you own and the clothes that are often more frequently worn than the others – all these things are important. You must be fully aware of them. Analyze your wardrobe and see what you have got in there. Learn the things that have always worked for you and the kind of prints, patterns and colors that have dominated so far. While up to this task, eliminate the unwanted staple pieces that have never worked for you. Decluttering is not only important to ensure that you remain sustainable and savvy as a fashion lover, but you must do so in order to get more space to keep the things that are important and deserve to be placed there. Learn whether you have a thing for edgy staples like leather jackets or your taste falls more on the other side of the spectrum – aka the chirpier softer side.

3. Seek Inspiration

Inspiration is everything. When you fail to curate your personal style after all that brainstorming, you can always turn to others for inspiration. You do not have to copy them and steal aspects and core elements from other fashion tastes. but you can rather learn from them, get ideas and mold those ideas accordingly in your own. Like we said, it is the inspiration that shapes things in the most beautiful way, so if you take inspiration from others' personal styles, it would surely help you curate one for yourself that stands out on its own and is still relevant. Even though the personal style is yours solely, you would still need elements that resonate with the general fashion trends and aspects. While that makes it stand out, but still remains highly operatable. We do recommend you take inspiration. At the same time, we also suggest you come to this step after you have analyzed your personal taste and the kind of stuff that has resonance with your personality. Jumping to this step, in the beginning can blind your judgment, so you must be cautious. Secondly, inspiration is not just limited to other people and their personal styles, but it can even go beyond than that, and you can seek it from trends, from your culture and styles – merging different elements and creating a great amalgam.

4. Build Different Fashion Themes Depending on Your Mood

Mood dressing is definitely a thing and trust us or not, it is one of the great ways to build a personal style – because our moods define our personality, and its core patterns in the most accurate way. When you are more aware of your moods and patterns and the way you dress during them, it can provide you considerable help in curating the best personal style that would resonate with the different aspects of your personality, and another great aspect about them would be the fact that you can turn to them depending on your mood.

5. Research and Build

Awareness is the key, and it comes with rigorous research. When you are always familiar with the buzzing trends and latest developments, you are certainly going to incorporate that into your personal style because consciously or subconsciously, your brain will decide patterns and learn to build a personal style wardrobe in consideration of what is prevalent and that would never fail to work because your personal style would be distinct yet it encapsulates and captures the essence of what is prevalent – leaving lesser room for failure. In order to become familiar with things, research and build. That way, your style would never fail. And you can always rely on new inspiration and ideas to improve it.

6. Capsule Wardrobe

Plaid Jumpsuit Outfit

Capsule wardrobes are a great way to go when it comes to curating a personal style. It does not limit your options but gives you a more focused viewpoint. It lets you choose those staples that are crucial for you, and without them, your wardrobe feels incomplete. In such a situation, you get to become more familiar with your taste and general mindset regarding fashion. Other than that, a capsule wardrobe helps you stay more focused and teaches you to rely on your personal style, no matter what happens. It would help you become savvier and more sustainable as a fashion lover.

7. Observe Colors and Patterns

From colors to patterns and prints – observe everything. Get familiarized with ones that reflect and resonate with your personality, the ones that enhance your style further. When you know these aspects, it becomes all the more easier for you to do more with your style and build one that is centered around your likes and dislikes.

8. Experiment and Try Out Different Themes

Keep trying until you have succeeded in creating the one that truly makes a difference. To build a great personal style, you must be open to all the possibilities. Try out different aspects of varied things and never limit your options. Try out different things and mix and merge them with your taste and your already existing wardrobe. Have a positive outlook, and never disregard anything before you have tried it. To get the best ultimate results, be daring and try out different things with an open mind. Either you will succeed, or you will learn something. In any case, it is a win-win.

9. Take Out Great Elements from Trends

However the main purpose or benefit of personal style is to free you from the constant pressure of following trends and the clutches of fast fashion, we never said that you cannot take out great elements from the trends. Be it the ones that are prevalent or the ones that belonged to the past eras, you can always take out the great stuff and mx merge in your personal style.

10. Let your Creativity Run Wild

You are creative, more than you give yourself credit for. In order to build a great personal style, you must let your creativity run wild and let it lead the way. Nothing is for certain, so you must always experiment and try different things. We all have a creative side; the difference is that some of us decide to hone it, and some don’t. So curate the best personal style, and play with your creativity.

Conclusion: like fashion itself, personal style is something that is forever in the process and is forever evolving and even though you can keep the core aspects of it the same, with due time, it would keep going for change and modification, too, to make it workable for different timelines and fashion eras. Even though it is not stagnant, it is a great way to be more sustainable and flexible. Building a personal style is a slow, gradual process, and it takes a great amount of time, consideration and thoughtfulness; you must work with patience as you build your personal style – because, as they say, slow and steady wins the race, so you must act with the patience to curate the best personal style that is highly workable and accentuates your overall style too. The whole point of creating a personal style fails if it misses the sustenance and durability. So take inspiration from this guide and make the most out of it to ace yours.

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